Exchequer Wanted:

Good evening good Gentles,

This is a very belated note, and for this I am very sorry. But I would ask you to please join me in thanking Lady Eadwynn for her outstanding and long time service to our Canton as Exchequer. Her dedication to our group has been nothing short of amazing and inspiring for this protégé.

As she has stepped down, this leaves our Canton with an open curia position. Our Canton is in need of an Exchequer. If you have a paid membership and would like to volunteer for this position please contact me.

Lady Pypa

SCA Inc. Ban on In-Person Events Extended until 31 May 2021

“Good morning, Populace of the East Kingdom,

The Board of Directors has decided to extend the current ban on in-person events to May 31, 2021. The link to the full announcement is HERE.

Their Majesties were informed of this decision shortly before the announcement, and will be responding soon.

In service,

East Kingdom Seneschal”

EK Scheduled Web Support Maintenance w/e 26-27 December 2020

Greetings unto the Populace of the East!

Your hardworking webministry would like to announce an upcoming maintenance window. On the weekend of December 26th and 27th, we will be performing maintenance to the East Kingdom Server so it may continue to Serve the East.

During this maintenance period, Google based services such as email, mailing lists, Google Meet video meetings, and officer document storage will continue to be available. Services that run directly on East Kingdom systems will NOT BE AVAILABLE during this period.

These services include:

  • East Kingdom and East Kingdom Branch websites
  • Polling Lists
  • Member account management tools
  • East Kingdom Wiki

Changes made to any of these systems during the maintenance period may be lost.

The Kingdom Webministers are taking every step to minimize this interruption to service, and are currently preparing to conduct this maintenance with utmost care and safety.
For those interested in peeking under the covers, we will be changing out storage usage to better align with kingdom needs and allocated resources. We will also be upgrading the underlying server operating system and underlying web server software as needed.

In Service,

East Kingdom Webministry

Distant Shore Fighter Practices move location

MIC, Baron Perceval Gower is changing the location of fight practice from where it has been held in Victoria Park, Truro, NS (by the pool) to inside the park, by the Amphitheater. The new location will be used starting Wednesday 14 October 2020.

As it is an outdoor practice, Baroness Admiranda said, “It looks like there is more light over there so he can continue practices until it gets too cold.”

As always the Covid 19 Rules apply, please bring, and when not fighting, wear your mask, as well as only use your own personal water bottle. Spectators are welcome to wear garb, although it is not required.

New Monthly Rattan Fighter Practice

Recently, through the suggestion, and assist, of m’lord Balen Malinovski, we have been able to obtain permission to use a local school gymnasium to hold month Fighter Practices. Our first practice will be held Sunday 16 February 2020 from 1pm – 4pm

The gymnasium at the school in Great Village is a very large space. There is plenty of room, as well as tables available, so that you could bring your projects to work on. We hope that you will come out share what you are making!

Monthly Rattan Fighter PracticeGreat Village Elementary Gymnasium 8849 Highway 2. Great Village NS. – Sunday, 16 February 2020 1 pm – 4 pm. Please bring indoor shoes if the weather is wet.

Marshal In Charge: DS Knight’s Marshal Syr Yesungge Altan

New Look

The Canton of Distant Shore is changing the way we reach our populace. Social media is making finger-tip information a must and regular updates a necessity.

To this end we offer you the Fire Beacon  – Distant Shore’s SCA website – with permanent information links to officer contact information, events, practices, and other activities as well as a place to share our ideas.

Forward Progress as we Step into the Past.