In Person Activity Suspension Extended
Good evening, East Kingdom Populace,Their Majesties and Their Highnesses, with the Office of the Seneschal, thank the Kingdom for your support regarding the decision to close down all in-person activities until January 17th.
We have reviewed current data regarding reported COVID cases from the CDC and PHS. Although the data trends suggest that most areas of the Kingdom have reached a peak regarding Omicron-specific infections, that downward turn is not fully and clearly established yet.
Therefore, we have decided to extend the shut-down of all in-person activities in the East Kingdom for two additional weeks, through February 1st. We will meet on January 31st and will have an update on February 1st. We are in touch with the staff for events in the first two weeks of February at this time.
As always, we urge East’s Tyger populace to take good care of yourselves: practice social distancing, wear good masks correctly at all times in public, and stay home when feeling ill or if someone you’ve recently been in close contact with becomes ill. We look forward to seeing folks in person soon.
In service to the Kingdom,
Medhbh inghean Ui Cheallaigh, Kingdom Seneschal
Audrye Beneyt, Kingdom Seneschal-Elect
Ioannes II and Honig II,
Emperor, and EmpressRyouko’jin and Indrakshi, Heirs to the Tyger Throne
In Person Activities Suspended
Sent from the Seneschal-Elect ************(message below)***************
Good evening, East Kingdom Populace,With the care of the Kingdom ever in mind, Their Majesties, Their Highnesses, the Seneschal-Elect, and the Kingdom Seneschal have agreed that we must shut down all in-person events, meetings, practices, and other activities in the East for two weeks, until January 17th.
The Omicron variant of COVID is at its peak for the next 2 weeks, is highly transmissible, and highly virulent. This is a risk we cannot ask folks on staff to take on behalf of the Kingdom.
Over the weekend of January 15th and 16th, we will revisit the scientific data to see whether extending or lifting this shut-down is warranted.
Their Majesties and Their Highnesses will also review options for ethereal Court or postponed in-person events. We ask the populace for patience as the Royal Staff assess how to best address this delay in cherished plans.In the meantime, we urge East’s Tyger populace to take good care of yourselves: practice social distancing, wear masks correctly at all times in public, and stay home when feeling ill, so that when we can gather, we can do so with joyful spirits.
In service to the Kingdom,
Medhbh inghean Ui Cheallaigh, Kingdom Seneschal
Audrye Beneyt, Kingdom Seneschal-Elect
Ioannes II and Honig II, Emperor and
EmpressRyouko’jin and Indrakshi, Heirs to the Tyger Throne
Arts & Sciences Nights – Starting up, again
Distant Shore’s A&S casual evening gatherings will resume this fall at the Douglas Street Rec Centre Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 starting November 4th until Dec 16th ( Except Nov 11th they are closed).
Hosted by Baron Perceval and Baroness Admiranda they are open to all who wish to join them.
As for fighter practice, names will be taken nightly for Covid 19 tracing, and the site requires proof of BOTH vaccines, as well as masking indoors at all times, although social distancing is not required.
Bring your latest project and come out Thursday nights!
Douglas Street Rec Centre is located at 40 Douglas St, Truro, NS B2N 2E7, and again it is THURSDAY evenings from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
CANCELLED :EVENT: Distant Shore War Games – 02 October 2021
This Event as been cancelled by the autocrat.
War is soon upon us. Come join us in a day of training and tournament. A great spectacle of prowess and skill will be displayed on the list field for everyone to see, let it be known that the land of Distant Shore will not yield to the enemies. Bring your drums and play your lutes to send off the warriors into battle. Challenge an opponent to sit across a table for a game of mancala. Cheer on the warriors and catch up with old friends.
Activities include
Table Games
Steel Tournament
Rattan Tournament
Dayboard and Feast
* Please note East Kingdom rules currently requires masks to be worn inside and outside. There will be hand sanitizer on site. Please be responsible and respectful of others and practice social distancing and good sanitation. If you have been recently diagnosed, exposed, or show any symptoms of Covid, please do not attend the event.
*A COVID contract tracing sheet requires signing, the seneschal will keep the sign-in sheets for 60 days after the activity, and then dispose of them appropriately.
* Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
Site Opens: 9am
Site Closes: 9pm
Call out for Distant Shore Curia Position
Distant Shore has lost its Seneschal, as Deputy Seneschal I am putting a call out to anyone who might be interested in the position. You must be a paid Distant Shore member.
The deadline is the 15th of September, where we will then take in all the people who contacted me and vote upon it in the next curia meeting.
If you have any questions please feel free to message me, Thank you.
Deputy Seneschal
Dash Altan Taishi
Distant Shore Rattan Practices Resume
Greetings Good Gentles
We are pleased to announce that an official Distant Shore heavy weapons practice will begin and continue every Wednesday evening starting July 21 at 6:30pm
Please join us at the Truro Victoria Park across the parking lot from the swimming pool (Palmer Street to Adams Street). There is a large grassy area with trees surrounding. Lots of space to sit and watch, bring a chair or blanket to sit on.
Continue reading “Distant Shore Rattan Practices Resume”Distant Shore Seneschal Gets a Deputy
Our esteemed Seneschal, Lady Pypa, has taken Dash Altan Taishi (Lord) under her wing and he is now serving as our Deputy Seneschal.
Due to a scheduling conflict for Lady Pypa, Dash Taishi got to sit in his first Baronial Curia Meeting this weekend as our canton representative.
Thank you to Dash Taishi for stepping into a support role for our canton, and Lady Pypa for mentoring this next generation of Scadians! Vivant!
New Exchequer Found
Starting after this reporting quarter, m’lord Balen Malinovski has stepped up into the position so we can keep our little Canton chugging along.
Thank you to everyone who continues to support Distant Shore and its activities.
Update on SCA Events from SCA Inc
On March 23, 2021, the Board of Directors passed the following:
Resolution to Lift Suspension of In-Person Activity in the SCA as of June 1st, 2021
I. Whereas the challenge created by the COVID-19 Global Pandemic demanded heightened safety standards which led to a suspension of in-person activity in North America by the SCA Board of Directors;
II. Whereas the crisis of the Pandemic is being addressed through a combination of social policy, as well as scientific and medical advancements;
III. Whereas the SCA Board of Directors continues to prioritize the health and well-being of the membership and participants of the SCA; and
IV. Whereas the directed suspension of in-person events in North America expires after May 31st, 2021; now, therefore, be it
V. Resolved, that the SCA Board of Directors lifts the suspension of in-person activity in North America, effective June 1, 2021, provided adherence to the items in this resolution;
VI. Resolved, that all attendees in North America must follow all province, territory, state, and local health guidelines at SCA events. In addition, at all North American SCA events:
A. Masks that fully cover the mouth and nose must be worn by all attendees over the age of 4 at all times and during all activities except for eating and drinking;
B. Court, bardic circles, or any activity that involves voice projection shall also require that masks be worn at all times. Sound amplification devices are highly recommended;
C. No day board, water-bearing, or food of any kind shall be provided by event staff or attendees to other attendees. All attendees must provide their own food and beverages;
D. While consuming food or beverages, attendees are required to remain stationary and follow social distancing rules;
E. No overnight camping shall be allowed;
F. All events shall be held outdoors;
G. There shall be a maximum of 150 people at any event; and
H. All events shall require preregistration.
VII. Resolved, that the SCA Board of Directors mandates applicable Kingdoms who have determined that it is safe to host in-person events before June 1st, 2021 or who propose any deviation from the above restrictions to request a variance from the Society Seneschal in order to hold the proposed event. The Society Seneschal shall have the authority to grant or deny these requests. These requests will be reviewed by the Board using the same review method used for variances to Corpora;
VIII. Resolved, that small local gatherings including, but not limited to: guild meetings, officer meetings, and local martial activities including archery and thrown weapons shall remain at the discretion of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal, in accordance with province, territory, state, and local health guidelines. Virtual events as alternatives continue to be a viable option;
IX. Resolved, that enforcement of this resolution will be handled by the Society Seneschal and President of SCA Inc.; and,
X. Resolved, that the SCA Board of Directors commends the hard-working officers, royalty, membership, and participants who have allowed the SCA to continue to flourish virtually as we lift this suspension and transition forward in a manner consistent with recommended health and safety standards.
The President and the Society Seneschal have been given the responsibility of implementing the resumption of events within the rules above and adjusting the strictures as needed with Board approval.
As per item (H) in the Resolution, SCA, Inc. has available the Event Module for the mandatory pre-registration process. All kingdoms are encouraged to utilize this tool. More information will be forthcoming from the SCA Accounting Specialist, Mazelle Attiya. If you would like to contact her about this available option, she can be reached at
Questions or comments should be sent directly to and or your board Ombudsman.
This is our first step toward the resumption of SCA events. Working with the corporate officers and with input from the various kingdoms, we will continue to assess the pandemic environment and make changes going forward as needed, either to add further restrictions or relax existing ones as the situation allows.
No matter what safety precautions we put in place, there is no substitute for each individual being educated about the risk to themselves and their loved ones, and making responsible choices to protect themselves and others from this virus.
We look forward to seeing many of you, in person and in garb, as we prepare to begin in-person events again.