Call out for Distant Shore Curia Position

Distant Shore has lost its Seneschal, as Deputy Seneschal I am putting a call out to anyone who might be interested in the position. You must be a paid Distant Shore member.

The deadline is the 15th of September, where we will then take in all the people who contacted me and vote upon it in the next curia meeting.

If you have any questions please feel free to message me, Thank you.

Deputy Seneschal

Dash Altan Taishi

Distant Shore Seneschal Gets a Deputy

Our esteemed Seneschal, Lady Pypa, has taken Dash Altan Taishi (Lord) under her wing and he is now serving as our Deputy Seneschal.

Due to a scheduling conflict for Lady Pypa, Dash Taishi got to sit in his first Baronial Curia Meeting this weekend as our canton representative.

Thank you to Dash Taishi for stepping into a support role for our canton, and Lady Pypa for mentoring this next generation of Scadians! Vivant!

New Exchequer Found

Starting after this reporting quarter, m’lord Balen Malinovski has stepped up into the position so we can keep our little Canton chugging along.

Thank you to everyone who continues to support Distant Shore and its activities.

Exchequer Wanted:

Good evening good Gentles,

This is a very belated note, and for this I am very sorry. But I would ask you to please join me in thanking Lady Eadwynn for her outstanding and long time service to our Canton as Exchequer. Her dedication to our group has been nothing short of amazing and inspiring for this protégé.

As she has stepped down, this leaves our Canton with an open curia position. Our Canton is in need of an Exchequer. If you have a paid membership and would like to volunteer for this position please contact me.

Lady Pypa

EK Scheduled Web Support Maintenance w/e 26-27 December 2020

Greetings unto the Populace of the East!

Your hardworking webministry would like to announce an upcoming maintenance window. On the weekend of December 26th and 27th, we will be performing maintenance to the East Kingdom Server so it may continue to Serve the East.

During this maintenance period, Google based services such as email, mailing lists, Google Meet video meetings, and officer document storage will continue to be available. Services that run directly on East Kingdom systems will NOT BE AVAILABLE during this period.

These services include:

  • East Kingdom and East Kingdom Branch websites
  • Polling Lists
  • Member account management tools
  • East Kingdom Wiki

Changes made to any of these systems during the maintenance period may be lost.

The Kingdom Webministers are taking every step to minimize this interruption to service, and are currently preparing to conduct this maintenance with utmost care and safety.
For those interested in peeking under the covers, we will be changing out storage usage to better align with kingdom needs and allocated resources. We will also be upgrading the underlying server operating system and underlying web server software as needed.

In Service,

East Kingdom Webministry