Wednesday Rattan Practice Resume

Wednesday Rattan Practices in Distant Shore will resume this week after the TS Teddy cancelled last week’s practice. This week’s Marshal in Charge will be Syr Yesungge as Baron Perceval is not available. Same practice rules apply!

“What’s that you say? Fight practice? Okay, let’s meet in Victoria Park in Truro. Regular start time of 6 PM till we are all done!” ~ Syr Yesungge

Thrown Weapons Practice

There will be a Thrown Weapons Practice on 29 September 2019, the day after The Baronial Investiture Anniversary event which will be held in Bible Hill, NS.

Participants will meet at Syr Yesungge’s and the practice will run from 10 am until 3pm. Come early for weapon inspection, and practice, as Royal Rounds will happen after lunch. There will a few loaner weapons as well. Dress is mundanes, and for the weather.

(All links are external)